Wednesday, April 13, 2011


OK, so I've been sitting on these photos for a while now. Thought it was time is put them up! Over spring break my band, The New Kinetics, along with our "road managers" Kristen and Nikki, went on a little tour of NYC. This was my first ever trip to the east coast! Lots of adventures, museums, music, architecture, taxidermy, train-riding, boozing, hand-washing, caramel corning, etc. Enjoy! We sure did...


  1. wow, that blueprint is amazing. who are the suits crossing the street?

  2. That's Willie Nelson! I bet he'd get a kick out of being called a suit!

  3. I know I am a dork, but i like the eames splints... and sweet pic of you with all the fire escapes in the background.
